Paul Tholey

Paul Tholey, one of the most eminent German Gestalt psychologists of the third generation and one of the most important European lucid dream researchers, has died in December 1998.

Foto Tholey

Paul Tholey was born 1937 in St. Wendel. He studied mathematics, psychology, and sports at the universities of Munich and Frankfurt. He was Professor of Psychology at the University of Frankfurt and Professor of Sports Psychology at the Tech. University of Braunschweig. He has taught in various fields of psychology and methodology and was the author of numerous articles and books about Gestalt theory, psychology, methodology, and lucid dreaming, his special field of research. His articles in books were published in five languages.

Paul Tholey was a member of the international Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications (GTA) since its foundation in 1979, member of its board of directors and Vice-President of the society (1991-1995), member of the Advisory Board (1979-1998) and co-editor of its quarterly Gestalt Theory (1992-1998).
In 1987 he organized the first european congress for lucid dream research. He was co-founder of the European Association for the Study of Dreams (EASD), member of the international Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD), of the European College for the Study of Consciousness (ECSC) and the Lucidity Association.

Obituary in "Gestalt Theory - An International Multidisciplinary Journal"

We mourn the loss of our former Second Chairman and co-publisher of
"Gestalt Theory", our international journal.

Paul Tholey, PhD

Professor for Psychology and Sport Science

1937 - 1998

He fought without compromise for a psychology that is suitable for the critical-realistic demands of humane research and relevant for creating worthy living conditions, despite the prevailing mainstream which is oriented in a totally different direction. His achievements in investigating human consciousness prove his scientifically convincing loyalty to the "Berlin School" of Gestalt theory ("Gestalt psychology") and make him one of their most distinguished contemporary representatives in line with the founders: Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Köhler, Kurt Lewin, Kurt Koffka, and their German students Wolfgang Metzger and Edwin Rausch (Tholey's academic supervisor).

Paul Tholey as the Second Chairman from 1991 to 1995 as well as the co-publisher of Gestalt Theory - An International Multidisciplinary Journal decisively advanced and influenced our society.

On behalf of the Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications (GTA)

Dr. Hans-Jürgen Walter, Chairman


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Verzeichnis der Schriften von Paul Tholey
Bibliography of the Writings of Paul Tholey

(zusammengestellt von / compiled by Gerhard Stemberger)

Articles by Paul Tholey and interviews with Paul Tholey on the WWW


Paul Tholey - Overview of the Development of Lucid Dream Research in Germany - Lecture at the VI. International Conference of the Association for the Study of Dreams in London 1989. First published in: Lucidity Letter, 8(2) (1989), pp 1-30

Conversation Between Stephen LaBerge and Paul Tholey in July of 1989, Stephen LaBerge, Paul Tholey, & Brigitte Holzinger (Ed.) - This interview took place at the 1989 Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD) conference in London.

Paul Tholey: Applications of Lucid Dreaming in Sports

Paul Tholey: The Importance of Lightheartedness - Letter to the Editor, Lucidity Letter


Paul Tholey: Conscience et capacités des personnages de rêve observés au cours de rêves lucides, Rêver n°2

De vaincre un tigre, lui a ôté la peur - Interview du Paul Tholey par P. van Eersel, en 1986


Paul Tholey: Blick-Varianten im Wach- und Traumzustand (1992)

Paul Tholey: Vom Träumer zum Krieger - Die Entfaltung des Bewußtseins als ein Weg zur schöpferischen Freiheit. Bewusst Sein, 1 (1)
Paul Tholey: Haben Traumgestalten ein Bewußtsein? Eine experimentell-phänomenologische Klartraumstudie
Paul Tholey: Bewußtseinsveränderung im Schlaf. Wach' ich oder träum' ich?
Paul Tholey: Klarträumen - Wie geht das?
Paul Tholey: Dialog mit der eigenen Psyche

Paul Tholey Links:


Décès de Paul Tholey - Association Oniros : nouvelles
Dites-moi que je rêve! Hommage à Paul Tholey (Patrice Van Ersel)

Death of Paul Tholey - Obituary, ONIROS/EASD

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