Ab Heft 1/2017 erscheint Gestalt Theory Journal im Verlag de Gruyter open. Sie finden die Hefte ab dem Jahrgang 2017 unter www.degruyter.com. Die Ausgaben der Jahre 2009 - 2016 sind weiter unter dieser Webadresse abrufbar.
From 2017 on Gestalt Theory Journal is published at de Gruyter open. Please find all issues starting from volume 39, issue 1/2017 on at www.degruyter.com. Year´s issues from 2009 - 2016 stay available at this website.
EN. Since 1979, the international multidisciplinary journal Gestalt Theory (peer reviewed) has been offering an unusual collection of scientific research that falls outside the typical beaten track. It supports scientific research and applied practice from which the human being has not been removed. Well-known authors publish in Gestalt Theory - authors who come from a diverse range of disciplines and who understand the human being and its environment as something that is more than and different from the sum of its parts. The holistic concept is not erroneously used as a pretentious buzzword that denotes simply alleged, but misunderstood, interrelations, but instead holism is seen as a challenge to do thorough research. Gestalt Theory goes against the trend towards more and more specialization and dissection that would lead only to an incoherent knowledge of every nut, bolt and screw, by offering a multi-disciplinary and critical synoptic approach. The journal publishes articles in German or English that present a holistic system-theoretical, phenomenological or experimental analysis in areas like general psychology, psychotherapy, pedagogy, philosophy, sociology, economics, art, musicology, speech science and the physical sciences. Since 2012, Gestalt Theory is published as an open-access journal.
Published since 1978.
Indexed in PsycINFO and PSYNDEX
Publisher: Verlag Krammer, Vienna (Austria)