Upon multiple requests the deadline for submissions on Call for Papers “GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY AND GERMAN PHILOSOPHY” to Gestalt Theory has been extended: the new deadline is June 30th, 2018.
Also the theme has been broadened to include a wider array of philosophical traditions. The new title of the call for papers is “GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY”.
For further information (english submissions)
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Articles / Artikel: 4
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Articles / Artikel: 1
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About the author / Angaben zur Person
Professorin für Entwicklungspsycholgie und Direktorin des Centro di ricerca in psicologia dello sviluppo e dell’educazione an der Universität von Macerata. Ihr Hauptforschungsinteresse gilt den ersten Lebensjahren und der Lehrerausbildung.
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Articles / Artikel: 1
About the author / Angaben zur Person
From 1990 to 2014 was Professor of Psychology of Art at the University of Padua. His research interests chiefly concerned the study of artistic phenomena in their motivational, emotive, intellectual, perceptual, and representative implications. He devoted particular attention to the phylogeny and ontogenesis of artistic and aesthetic behaviour, to the construct of “style”, to aesthetic emotion, to the golden section, to the functional role of the visual arts, and to the Psychology of Literature. His most recent research concerned visual rhetoric, the use of obliqueness in pictorial representation, the perceptual phenomenon of contour rivalry, the relationships between theory and practice in Restoration and the Psychology of Art, the dynamics of perception and expressive qualities, and last but not least visual narrative. Alberto Argenton died on the 23rd of May 2015.