GTA Conferences
GTA Conferences
Since the founding of the Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications in 1978, conferences and congresses have been organized to make the Gestalt-theoretical perspective visible and adequately represented in scientific discourse and various fields of practice.
The international scientific working conferences of the GTA have been held regularly since 1979. They are organized in cooperation with a university or academic institution. GTA conferences have taken place in several European countries, including not only Germany and Austria, but also Poland and multiple times at universities in Italy.
Every two years, GTA members and scientists interested in Gestalt theory gather for a multidisciplinary exchange on developments and new Gestalt-theoretical projects. In lectures, workshops, and poster presentations, they share information about their research and practical applications, and discuss connections to new trends in their scientific fields. Attractive social programs enrich the meetings, and especially the personal encounters inspire further developments and collaborations.
Current Conference

23rd GTA International Scientific Conference
The 23rdGTA International Scientific Conference will take place at the University Bicocca in Milan, 25th-27th September 2024.
For the conference website click here
Call for paper click here