Edith H. Luchins
Mathematician and Gestalt theorist
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Born / Geboren: Edith Hirsch, December 21, 1921

Died / Gestorben: Edith H. Luchins, November 18, 2002, Troy

Known for / bekannt für:
Outstanding contributions in many areas of Gestalt theory and Gestalt theory history; application of mathematics to problems in the philosophy of science and psychology, particularly in the areas of logical foundations, learning, and perception; mathematical models of order effects in information processing; gender differences in cognitive processes and their implications for teaching and learning mathematics; roles of heuristics and algorithms in mathematical problem solving, with and without the use of computers; history of mathematics, and, in particular, the history of women in mathematics.

Biographical data and sources / Biographische Daten und Quellen: see / siehe Edith H. Luchins Page

Edith H. LUCHINS, Professor of Mathematics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, received her B.A. from Brooklyn College of. the City University of New York, her M.S. in mathematics frow New York University, and her Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Oregon. Since 1944, she has worked at the Sperry Gyroscope Plant on Long Island, has served as Research Assistant (New .York University), Research Associate (Universities of Oregon and Miami), and has taught mathematics at Brooklyn College and the University of Miami, and, since 1962, at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She attended some of Wertheimer's seminars at the New School for Social Research. For over three decades she has collaborated with her husband, Abraham S. Luchins, on the applications of rnathematics to psychology, with particular reference to problems of logic, philosophy, foundations, and methodology.

Selected Publications / Ausgewählte Publikationen: see / siehe Edith H. Luchins Page

Publications available via Internet / Publikationen im Internet: see / siehe Edith H. Luchins Page

Other E.H. Luchins WWW-links / Andere E.H. Luchins Internet-Links:

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Most recent revision: 27.06.2004