Prof. Mario Zanforlin

Psychology Department, University of Padova, Italy

Mario Zanforlin, born 16.12.1934 in Pontecchio Polesine (Rovigo), finished his studies in educational sciences in 1963 at the University of Padova, received his Ph.D. in "Animal Behaviour" at the University of Edinburgh (U.K) in 1968. He is full professor of animal and comparative psychology at the University of Padova, Italy, since 1975.

Member of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour and of the Psychonomic Society (USA), of the Società Italiana di Etologia and of the Accademia Galileiana di Scienze Lettere ed Arti in Padova.

Research Area: comparative and animal psychology: comparative analysis of visual perception systems in the main phyla: Molluscs, Arthropods and Vertebrates (including man).

See the web page of MZ at the University of Padova.

Selected Publications:

Mario Zanforlin published in Gestalt Theory - An International Multidisciplinary Journal:


Prof. Dr. Mario Zanforlin

Psychology Department

Università degli Studi di Padova

via 8 Febbraio, 2

I- 35122 Padova



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