Prof. Yoshie Kiritani
Department of Design and Architecture, Chiba University, Japan
in 1966, received her MA and her Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology at the Keio
University, Japan.
Research fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; 1996-1998
instructor at the Senzoko Gaknen Junior College; 2000 Research Fellow Canon
Europa Foundation; 2001 instructor at the International University of Health
and Welfare; 2002-2003 instructor at the Chiba Institute of Technology; 1997-2003
Research assistant of Chiba University, from 2003 Associate Professor of this
1999 Yoshie Kiritani received the Wolfgang
Metzger Award 1999 for her work with Giovanni Bruno VICARIO
on "Slow-motion tunnel effect: an inquiry into vertical organization
of perceptual events" (published in Gestalt
Theory 21 (2/1999), 100-121.
her web page at Chiba
University and her ReaD
Selected Publications:
Effects of the Mode of Design and Familiarity on the Cognition of Route Guidance Sign (with Chen Yu-Chia,Kaoru Noguchi). International Symposium on Design Science (Nagaoka),Proceedings pp.300-306 (1999)
Yoshie Kiritani published in Gestalt Theory - An International Multidisciplinary Journal:
Prof. Yoshie Kiritani
Dept. of Design Science
Graduate School of Engineering
Chiba University
1-33 Yayoicho, Inageku, Chiba 263-8522